Sortie : 8 November 2006
244 pages
N° ISBN : 978-2-916355-05-4


Chris Steele-Perkins

Chris Steele-Perkins moved from Rangoon to London with his family in 1949. He graduated with honours in psychology at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1967-70) while working as a photographer and picture editor for the student newspaper.

In 1971 he moved to London and started working as a freelance photographer and started his first foreign work in 1973 in Bangladesh followed by work for relief organizations and travel assignments. In 1975 he worked with EXIT, a group dealing with social problems in British cities. He then joined the Paris-based Viva agency in 1976.

In 1979, his first book, The Teds, was published. Steele-Perkins joined Magnum and soon began working extensively in the Third World.

His reportages have received high public acclaim and have won several awards, including the Tom Hopkinson Prize for British Photojournalism (1988), the Oscar Barnack Prize (1988) and the Robert Capa Gold Medal (1989).

Tokyo Love Hello

One of the greatest British photographers exhibit for the first time his intimate vision of Tokyo, a incomprehensible city that however became like a second home for him.

“When I started photographing in Tokyo I had no book in mind. (…) Back in those days my core subjects were elsewhere; the developing world. Africa and Afghanistan, such places (…) and of course my homeland, England.
Things changed when I met my wife, Miyako Yamada. (…) A lot. Life got better and far more complicated, as it does when you fall hopelessly in love. I now had a compelling reason for being in Japan and for photographing Japan, wanting to understand a place that had suddenly given me so much.
I started with a large project on Mount Fuji (…); later, when I brought my other Japanese material together as an archive, some images emerged, insisting on my attention and interacting, in some indeterminate way, with other images from Tokyo, in a manner that felt like the beginnings of a book.
This process had a strong echo of what happened with a book I made much earlier in my career, in the 80’s, The Pleasure Principle. (…)
The book is about Tokyo, my Tokyo, a personal vision.”

Chris Steele-Perkins
