Sortie : 6 March 2017
160 pages
N° ISBN : 978-2-36956-047-0


Cécile Cazenave

Cécile Cazenave has been a reporter for twelve years, first as a member of the editorial board for GEO magazine before becoming freelance. For six years, she dedicated herself to documenting environmental issues and sustainable development. Energy, resources, pollution, agriculture, development and consumption are at the heart of her investigations and reports. She has published stories in magazines like Terra Eco, GEO, Lonely Planet Magazine, Ça m’intéresse or Sciences et avenir.

In 2005, she founded the collective “Le Terrier” and participated for many years in publishing projects and exhibitions with the collective of photographers “Tendance Floue”. In 2011, 2012 and 2013, she directed the first two editions of the newspaper Demain à la Une about adaptation to climate change for the Nicolas Hulot Foundation, the book Road to resilience by the African Development Bank, dedicated to development issues in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and the web-documentary I field good, multimedia portraits of four European nonconventional farmers in the context of the reform of the common agricultural Policy. She’s currently based in Paris.


TerraProject is a collective of documentary photographers founded in Italy in 2006. Its members are Michele Borzoni, Simone Donati, Pietro Paolini and Rocco Rorandelli.

With an eye on both the Italian reality and the most relevant social and environmental issues, the members of TerraProject have produced numerous individual and group projects, experimenting with an original collective writing approach. TerraProject produces stories and essays for the editorial market as well as corporate clients and fine art.

The works of the collective have been published in the pages of the most important international magazines, including Der Spiegel, Financial Times Magazine, GEO, Le Monde Magazine, Monocle, Newsweek, Paris Match, Stern, Time, The Wall Street Journal and, in Italy, on D La Repubblica, Internazionale, Io Donna, L’Espresso, Sportweek and Vanity Fair.

Their works have been exhibited in various prestigious venues around the world and the collective’s members have been guests of numerous international photo festivals. TerraProject photographers have received many prestigious international awards including the World Press Photo (2010 and 2012), the Canon Prize (2010), the Pesaresi Award for Contemporary Photography (2013) and Graziadei Award (2014).

Land Inc.

Land Inc. is a travel documentary through Brazil, Dubai, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Indonesia, the Philippines and Ukraine to document a crucial phenomenon: land grabbing.

Neocolonialism or development opportunities? Seven internationally renowned experts give us an overall view of the matter.

Land Inc. is above all the result of two years of work of four photographers from the Italian collective TerraProject who, from 2012 to 2013, traveled the seven countries to understand the issues, depict the actors and analyze the balance of powers of this global phenomenon.

If each report (images, texts and graphics) reveals specific issues, the seven chapters together draw the geography of tomorrow’s agriculture.
